Error Codes

Error Codes#

When encountering errors in the API, an error code and a brief explanation are provided, along with a 400 HTTP status code, following this structure:

    "error_code": "<error_code>",
    "message": <error_message>,
    "description": <description>,
    "detail": {

Error Codes:

DB Connections

  • invalid_database_connection - Unable to establish the database connection.

  • invalid_database_uri_format - The connection_uri doesn’t have the correct format.

  • ssh_invalid_database_connection - The SSH connection failed.

  • empty_database - Although the connection was established, there are no tables present.

  • database_connection_not_found - Database resource could not be found.

Golden SQL

  • golden_sql_not_found - Golden SQL resource not found.

  • invalid_golden_sql - The Golden SQL doesn’t have the correct format.

Finetuning Model

  • llm_model_not_supported - The specified model is not supported.

SQL Generation

  • prompt_not_found - Prompt resource not found.

  • sql_generation_not_created - The SQL generation failed.

  • sql_injection - The generated/provided SQL failed the injection validation.

  • sql_generation_not_found - SQL generation resource not found.

NL Generation

  • nl_generation_not_created - The NL generation failed.

Other Errors

  • invalid_object_id - The provided string is not a valid ObjectId.