Cancel a finetuning job

Cancel a finetuning job#

This endpoint allows you to cancel a finetuning job, which will stop the training process but will not delete the job from the collection of finetuning jobs.

request this POST endpoint to cancel a finetuning job.


Request body

    "finetuning_id": "finetuing-job-id",
    "metadata": dict[str, str] | None


HTTP 200 code response

    "id": "finetuing-job-id",
    "db_connection_id": "database_connection_id"
    "alias": "model name"
    "status": "finetuning_job_status" # queued is default other possible values are [queued, running, succeeded, failed, validating_files, or cancelled]
    "error": "The error message if the job failed" # optional default value is None
    "base_llm": {
        "model_provider": "model_provider_name" # right now openai is the only provider.
        "model_name": "model_name" # right now gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4 are suported.
        "model_parameters": {
            "n_epochs": int or string, #optional, default value 3
            "batch_size": int or string, #optional, default value 1
            "learning_rate_multiplier", int or string, #optional, default value "auto"
    "finetuning_file_id": "This is the file id that is assigned by model provider when uploading the finetuning file"
    "finetuning_job_id": "The is the finetuning job id that is assigned by model provider when creating the finetuning job"
    "model_id": "The is the model id that is assigned by model provider after finetuning job is done"
    "created_at": datetime,
    "golden_records": array[ids], # default value is none which means use all of the golden records
    "metadata": dict[str, str] | None} #optional, default value None

Request example

curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/api/v1/finetunings/{finetuning_id}/cancel' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"finetuning_id": "finetuning-job-id"

Response example

"id": "finetuning-job-id",
"alias": "my_model",
"db_connection_id": "database_connection_id",
"status": "cancelled",
"error": "Fine tuning cancelled by the user",
"base_llm": {
    "model_provider": "openai",
    "model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106",
    "model_parameters": {
    "n_epochs": "1"
"finetuning_file_id": null,
"finetuning_job_id": null,
"model_id": null,
"created_at": "2023-12-13T17:35:53.263485",
"golden_records": [ # a list of golden record ids, keep in mind that at least 10 golden records are required for openai models finetuning
"metadata": null